🌀 Thought Loops 101

How to stop distracting thought loops and get back on track — in 5 minutes.

Hey there! Welcome back to The Flow by Flocus. If you’re new around here, welcome! đź‘‹  You can catch up on our previous editions right here.

This week: We’ve got another Flocus Original concept for you today: Garden Path Thought Loops! What they are, how they hold you back, and how to outsmart them. Let’s get to it!

🌀 What’s a Garden Path Thought Loop?

A “garden path thought loop” is a train of thought that starts out with something you want to do, only to end up at a dead end, or somewhere you didn’t intend to go.

We call them “loops” because they often make you feel like you’re going in circles. And they’re especially notorious for stopping you from doing worthwhile things.

Here’s an example:

  1. You think, “I want to work on my scrapbook.”

  2. This thought is immediately followed by a blocker that your brain either identifies or creates: “But I need to print out my vacation photos first.”

  3. Before you’ve processed this last thought, you’re hit with a bunch of others: “I’m out of photo paper. My printer is broken. If I’m going to order paper, I also need to get staples.”

  4. And then you hit a dead end — you get overwhelmed with all the other stuff you “need” to do that you don’t end up doing anything at all.

The tricky part? The more times you follow the garden path to the end, the more automatic it will become.

The good news? You’re the one driving this train, boss!

Here’s how you can reclaim control of your train of thought, lead it down the right track, and successfully ignore distractions and handle obstacles along the way.

đźš‹ How to Control Your Train of Thought

How to get off the garden path and back onto the right track — in 3 simple, achievable steps.

🛑 Put on the brakes

If you’ve ever taken the same route lots of times, you’ll know how easy it is to go on “autopilot” and mentally check out from the journey.

The first step is to “wake up” and notice that you’re on the wrong track. And if you can’t change course immediately, you can put on the brake while you think about your next steps.

✂️ Find a shortcut or detour

If you’re a frequent train traveler, you’ve probably seen trains skip certain stops or adjust their route when they’re significantly delayed.

Just like train networks prioritize the stations with the most passengers, you should prioritize the track that’s going to lead you to your desired destination — and skip all the other “stops”.

Try to find the shortest route to get there. Going back to our scrapbooking example, your shortcut might look like: “Since I can’t print my vacation photos, what can I work on right now?”

🚧 Address delays and obstacles

Okay, so now that you’re on the right track, what about all those other “stops” you skipped? In other words, those 12 other tasks that still need to get done at some point?

You address them just like you would a real train delay:

  • 📢 â€śAnnounce” the delay, if it helps — Say, out loud or in your head, “These other tasks aren’t important or urgent right now, so I can safely defer them to another time.”

  • 🛣️ Create a dedicated “route” — Schedule a day and time to revisit all those other items. Just like trains run special or altered services to account for issues, you can reschedule these blockers for a better time.

🪅 Flocus Picks

A curated list of things worth sharing.

  • Fun Garden Path Sentence Examples (Reddit) — Need a laugh? We’re switching it up with this Reddit thread of garden path sentences. (Fun fact: The “garden path” is a grammar concept that we’ve adapted for productivity!)

  • cottagecore vibes (Playlist) — A soft and soulful soundtrack for your deep work sessions, self-care days, and everything in between.

  • Overcoming Mental Blocks (Article) — Garden path thought loops often involve mental blocks. This Sage Clinic article includes some tips for overcoming them and addressing their root causes.

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🗳️ POLL: Have you noticed garden path thought loops in your own life?

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Here’s a final thought on garden path thought loops: real garden paths are lined with beautiful flowers and plants. They’re worth noticing and paying attention to — but take care not to get lost in the garden, or spend too much time investigating the toxic plants.

With a little awareness, you can avoid falling into the thought loop trap and make a plan for revisiting the other places it wants to lead you.

What do you think of Flocus Original concepts like this one? We do our best to serve up unique productivity perspectives from our real-life experiences. We hope that comes through in our content!

Until next Sunday,

Flocus Team